conversion factor for cubic inches to cubic feet
CONVERSION FACTORS - Gregg Drilling & Testing, Inc.Cubic feet. Cubic feet. Cubic feet/minute. Cubic inches. Cubic inches. Cubic. Cubic inches. Gallons per minute. Gallons. Cubic cm. Cubic feet. Gallons (liq.). General Conversion Factors. Multiply. By. To Obtain. Cubic feet. Cubic centimeters. 6.102 x 10-2. Cubic inches. Cubic centimeters. 1.0 x 10-3. Liters. Cubic feet.
Convert hcf/wk to cu in/min flow rate hundred cubic feet per week to.How to convert cubic feet of snow to gallons of water? 144 cubic inches = 2.36 liters and 172.8 cubic inches = 2.83 liters.. The conversion factor is 0.134.
Metric Conversion Factors.How to convert cubic feet of snow to gallons of water? 144 cubic inches = 2.36 liters and 172.8 cubic inches = 2.83 liters.. The conversion factor is 0.134.
Conversion Factors - Uponor.cubic feet, x.0283, = cubic meters. cubic feet, x 7.481, = gallons. cubic inches, x. 5541, = ounces (fluid). cubic meters, x 35.31, = cubic feet. cubic meters, x 1.308.
Conversion Factors and Tables Length - University of Illinois Extension.
conversion factor for cubic inches to cubic feet